Wednesday 17 December 2014

Liebster Award

Howdy Howdy Howdy,

I've been nominated to take part in the Liebster Awards ( I will confess I got nominated ages ago and I've been a super bad person with catching up on everything and getting it done but here I am!!)

I was nominated by Laura Elizabeth check out her blog at
(P.S sorry Laura for taking so long!)

The Rules are:

 1) Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award 
2) Answer the 11 questions given to you from the blogger
3) Give 11 facts about yourself
4) Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award (less than 200 followers)
5) Let the bloggers know you have nominated them
6) Give 11 questions to them to answer

My Questions from Laura Elizabeth are:
1. Who is your favourite singer? 
Ahhh, it's quite a struggle to pinpoint just one musician that I love however currently 'Coasts' are constantly on repeat!
2. Have you ever been abroad?
Yes, I lived in Australia for a while and that was awesome!
3. Do you like Harry Potter? If so what is your favourite film and why?
YES! Harry Potter is the don! I love the first one because I remember when it first came out and it was so magical, the last couple are a bit dark. I love all the magical stuff that goes on in the first one.
4. What colour socks are you wearing? If none, what colour are your toenails?
I'm actually feeling a little festive today and wearing polar bear christmas socks - it has to be done!
5. Plane or train?
6. What do you hope for in 2015?
I hope to continue with my studies and move away somewhere.
7. Are you proud of what you have achieved in 2014?
Yes totally. I changed jobs, reconnected with old friends, began my blog and started back up with studying once returning from Australia. 
8. What do you pack in your make up bag when you go away?
Hmmm, usually a BB Cream, mascara and lip balm if it's somewhere hot but if it's a city vacation usually a few lipsticks and different eyeshadows and of course my liquid eyeliner.
9. Have you ever been starstruck?
I remember when I was really young I met Billie Piper and I thought we were going to be best friends. Weird. 
10. What do you want for Christmas? 
There's nothing that I want in particular really, Dr Martens or a record player would be pretty cool though.
11. Do you have any pet peeves?
People that interrupt you when you are talking or bad table manners!!

11 Random Facts About Myself
1. I consider my pet dog a human.
2. I want to change my hair colour multiple times in 2015.
3. My favourite TV Series at the moment is American Horror Story. 
4. Candles are my favourite things in the world.
5. I used to compete in horse gymkhanas.
6. My favourite film at the moment is Quadrophenia.
7. I have never broken a bone.
8. When I was younger I used to really want to wear glasses.
9. I once wanted to be Avril Lavigne - vest top and tie...the whole shebang
10. I currently study Art & Design
11. I'm rubbish with my nails and always let them chip until my best friend Naomi yells at me.

I nominate: 
Anyone that reads this!!

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